compare: they are soldiers, one experienced and one is not, one has most likely been in war for years and the other is just now starting,
these are the only ones I can find!
You already know they are soldiers, so I don't need to explain this one!
In the poem, the veteran states: " iv'e seen war inside out, people dying is part of war" which indicates he has been in war for years while the young soldier states: "the war is something I barley know about. I cant even aim, my skill may not gain" Indicates that he has just joined and needs training and experience.
Hope this helps!
Have a great day and night!
Intelligence or Cleverness. Odysseus.
In the epic, Oysseus's intelligence or cleveness is highly valued. The goddess, Athena, favors Odysseus because of his intelligence. Penelope demonstrates this trait when she first tells the suitors that she will choose a husband after she has woven a tapestry. She unravels it at night so it is never complete. When they discover her trickery, they demand she choose a husband. To keep them at bay longer, she devises the contest. It is an incredibly difficult feat to shoot an arrow through the ax handles, but it is an acceptable contest because it has been previously completed, by Odysseus.
Montresor smiles at the thought of Fortunato's death.
<span>the use of words to create a picture in the mind</span>