Maria Beadnell. they met in 1830
Even though they grew up poor in a country where they were denied many basic rights and freedom because of their race, Patricia wanted Trevor to be confident and ambitious. She encouraged him to think for himself, and to be curious and hopeful.
can we have the exercise?
6. Georgianna never had a problem with the birthmark she always thought it was unique but now she is growing and she’s starting to hate it, because Alymer expresses his feelings towards the birthmark, which leads to Georgianna wishing she could take it off
7. Alymer guilts her into doing it by expressing his feeling towards the birthmark, and describing his digust towards it, making her feel guilty and wanting to take it off to please him.
8. Towards the end of the story Georgianna decides to take off the birthmark. As Alymer is taking off the birthmark she suddenly dies because the roots of it are plunged down to her heart making her faint then die.