Ductus Arteriosus is a blood vessel normally present in fetuses during development. The blood vessel is designed to bypass the pulmonary artery and brings blood to the Descending Aorta, as the fetus cannot breath through the lung (being as they are fluid filled). This is normally not a problem because oxygenated blood comes from the mother's blood supply.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus, is what happens when that vessel does not close. While not as dangerous as other congenital defects. However, because there is still a bypass, blood that normally need to be oxygenated by going through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, can be diverted and placed into the blood stream without vital oxygen. This condition may eventually lead to CHF (congestive Heart Failure) and Pulmonary Hypertension if not treated.
The insulin must be administered.
In the given question the Mary has the acidosis that is the level of pH in the blood have dropped below 7.
It is also provided that the smell of her breath is fruity due to the accumulation of fruity smell molecules called ketones which could be the result of the ketosis. Ketosis occurs when the cellular respiration uses fat as a substrate instead of the carbohydrate. This shows Mary has a condition called ketoacidosis.
The increased level of the glucose in the blood shows that the glucose is not absorbed by the cell which involves the insulin therefore the doctor should administer the insulin drug to the patient.
Thus, insulin is the correct answer.
<u>Fertilizer usage is linked to the agricultural practice</u> with an aim to <u>enhance the crop yield</u>. Inadequae use of fertilizers however causes soil degradation because <u>these practices overlook the spatial differences in soil fertility status </u>in agricultrual systems. Specifically,<u> not all soils require fertilizer application at the same levels</u>. A recommended approach is that, initially, there should be a proper study of limited nutrients in the soil and thereon only those nutrients should be given at controlled concentrations, which are limited. A major reason is that <u>high concentration of specific nutrients would affect the bioavailability of other nutrients</u> in the long run and could also lead to soil degradation (by affecting soil health status). <u>The microbial population in the soil could also change</u> that are typical for essential biogeochemical cycles. This is a very critical aspect in future future agriculture and to preserve the environment. <u>Deforestation</u> is a condition when the plants are cut excessively for agricultural purposes. <u>If soil degradation continues as discussed above, it would put a reduce the overall proportion of agricultrual land and cutting of naturally grown forests would be required. This would turn the green zones into agricultural zones (in future)</u>. This is a pressure on ecosystem and the consequences can be really harsh.