The suspense and reaction time of the car . So for example if a car pulled out suddenly and was about to hit you, you could make the car so it functionally knows how to react
The answer to this question is option "d".
In this question option d (A user fills out a form to construct a description of the data desired in a SQL search) is not true. Because SQL stands for Structured Query Language. This is a query language used to communicate with a database and a user fills the form. Which is not possible in the SQL. So the option d is not true.
Cellular phone technology works on a system of geographically separated zones
B. Cells
Computer checkup/maintenance. You forgot to mention windows updates, it is critical to perform that action as well cause of the recent ransomeware malware that is going around lately and Microsoft and other OS vendors yes even Apple have released patches to prevent it spreading even further.
Some primary uses of cell phones include, keeping in touch with friends or family. As well as communicating to work and to have in the event of an emergency.