King Charles the first was executed for treason. In London, King Charles I was beheaded for treason on January 30, 1649.
Answer: The ancestors
were able to communicate with the gods in the spirit world. They could ask them to bring good luck to their relatives on earth. Therefore it was very important to make sure that your ancestors were pleased and happy with you.
Laws, they are balanced with laws.
Jimmy Carter while in Presidency was faced with five challenges which include; Inflation, Slow growth, Unemployment, Stagflation, and The second oil shock. This made it so President Carter persuaded the people into conservation and less spending. Companies were made to only pay 7% with any contracts they made new and old and the oil shock, which came from the iran revolution, made it so the people became more conservative and made oil cheaper by having to not pay for what wasn't used.
Answer in BOLD
Most military people I have known believe the US Air Force is the safest branch to be in from a combat perspective. In the Army and Marines, the enlisted men do the vast majority of fighting, and, therefore, getting killed.