Well the one of the most suspicious things in the book is when Jamie sees her own face on the milk carton, hence the title.
Hannah is likely the one who kidnapped Jamie, but with good intentions. Jamie's grandparents weren't at fault.
The clues revealed very little, just that Hannah's conflct with the cult hindered her ability to take care of Jamie.
Conflict was resolved when they found each other again.
Jamie found evidence to every aspect of the alleged kidnapping, including the dress in the picture, which she found in the attic.
Hope this helps!
Once in A Lifetime is from the 2nd part of Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth which is the collection of short stories. Like the other stories this story also deals with the cultural issues of Bengali Americans. Told from the perspective of the third-person, according to the option C, the narrator tells the difference of the modest house of her friend in this excerpt.
There are various complications or moral dilemmas in the story of "Federigo Falcon". It teaches us physical appearances do not matter and the importance of decision making.
Giovanni Boccaccio wrote this story. Through the main characters of the story he sheds light on eternal qualities of sacrifice, love, guilt etc. The story is about two young men who fall in love with a girl and try all the possible means to make her love them back. Both of these men are poor.