To help you better understand this topic: the key signature is C since there is so flats or sharps. for the treble clef, remember this to find where do is every time “the last flat is fa, the last sharp is ti. no flats so sharps do is always c” now, for when you’ve found do, a good way to find the note names is with these sayings.
for the spaces on the treble clef, the notes are f a c e (they spell face!) and for the lines on the treble clef, the notes are e g b d f
i use the saying every good boy deserves fudge.
for bass clef, the spaces are a c e g
my saying for this is all cows eat grass.
for the lines, the notes are g b d f a
my saying for this one is great big dogs fart a lot.
i hope this makes at least a little bit of sense!!!!!