In some cases, supply curves are vertical, which means that for any price from 0 up to infinity, the quantity will stay the same.
This is very true for supply of an authentic painting in auctions, where there may only be 1 single painting, and people state the highest price they are willing to pay for the painting. Regardless of the price, there will only be 1 authentic painting for that price.
Hope this helps! :)
d) result in overproduction or underproduction of a good.
Market failure occurs when market forces fails to allocate goods and services efficiently.
The government usually intervenes to correct market failure.
Externalities usually lead to market failure.
Positive externality is when the benefits of economic activities to third parties exceeds its cost. Research and development usually yield postive externality.
Goods that yield postive externality are usually underproduced. Government can intervene by giving subsidies and grants which encourages production.
A negative externality is when the cost of economic activities to third parties exceeds the benefit. Pollution is an example of negative externality. Goods that yield negative externality are usually overproduced. Government can intervene by taxing companies producing negative externality. This would increase the cost of production and discourage production.
I hope my answer helps you
Martin Luther King Jr. believed that in order for an integration movement to be successful, it had to be:
- organized in a militant manner: members must be vigorously active supporting the cause
- the movement must have a mass character: must include everyone, not just some selected individuals
- the movement must reject (repudiate) violence
If a movement doesn't embrace peace, then it will generate conflict and violence. If the members are passive, there ideals will not be noticed. If the movement does not include everyone, then it will create more segregation.
I just took the test online, It's Future Value.
Goodwill is defined as the excess in amount of the purchase price of a company over the fair value at acquisition.It is intangible in nature , meaning it can not be physically separated from the other assets. Example are patent , brand name , good employee relation.
Goodwill calculation
Purchase price - $2,500,000
Fair value - $1,800,000
Goodwill - $700,000
Under the IAS 36, impairment of assets , goodwill is not amortized but annually tested for impairment as amortization is applicable to intangible assets with a definite useful life while intangible assets with indefinite useful life are annually tested for impairment to evaluate a loss in value experienced.
Under IAS 38 , Internally generated goodwill are not recognized as no related cost is incurred towards achieving a future benefit