The Czar reacted to the Revolution 0f 1905 by promising to form Dumas which were representative assemblies, to work towards reform.
On January 22, 1905, a group of workers led by the radical priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon had marched to czar Nicholas II winter palace in St. Petersburg to make their demands.
Imperial forces opened fire killing and wounding hundreds. Strikes and riots broke out throughout the country in outraged response to the massacre to which Nicholas responded by promising to form the Dumas.
1 september 1939 - 2 september 1945
Otto Von Bismarck is remembered as the Iron Chancellor. He was an outstanding diplomat who did much for the unification and economy of the German nation. But while he did favor diplomacy he also resorted to war on some occasions to unite the Germans and to expand the country's borders. So the first half of the sentence refers to diplomacy, and the other half refers to war since iron is for weapons and blood is for lives that are lost for new territory.
The Constitutions was designed to be flexible so new laws can be added as needed and old laws can be reinterpreted
James Madison and John Marshall both served as Secretary of State. they were also both fathers of different branches.
He was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Indentured servitude and slavery fit into the business model of early companies like the Dutch West India Company because:
It required exhausting labor, abroad work, and very deplorable work conditions.
The west Dutch Indian company, like many other early organizations that worked under chart schemes, were companies that required very specific profiles for their workforce. First of all, they worked traveling in big ships, they fought against pirates, and competitors, they also had very poor living conditions and constant work rhythm. Making it almost impossible for people to find it attractive. A famous rumor at the time was that only slaves and criminals would join the companies. Due to their conditions. Therefore, slavery and indentured servitude were their best profiles for workers.