Fab. Yuh Jess SJSU’s SJSU’s SJSU’s skin eksid
The Mexican-American war came from America taking Texas. Then that allowed us to receive even more land, more than 500,000.
Unlike democratic constitutions, authoritarian constitutions do not set direct limits on executive authority; however, in some cases such documents may function as ways for elites to protect their own property rights or constrain autocrats' behavior.
people could now buy goods instead of just trade.
The reason the Charter of 1732 is of importance is that it establishes and sets the rules for the colonists, mostly English debtors, who had colonized there. And from that beginning, it establishes the basis for a common occurrence, and was the basic founding of the other twelve colonies. Therefore, it grants authority to James Oglethorpe to colonize, beyond the reasons listed in the Charter, of Charity, Economics and Defense. It is the basis for King George granting the trustees the legitimacy and power to govern the colony.