There is certainly a rhythm to Grendel's warlike appearance here. He is personified as the devil or devil-like. The author uses alliteration to add impact to a galloping like pace in which Grendel advances (ex. bogs- bearing / trap-trip / God -Grendel).
I'd say B; the plaster saints and "mother kneels praying" shows religion... maybe Catholic This may or may not be tied to her heritage.
a. autobiography b. fictional bio thing c. memoir
I d k i just got it right
First you need to know what a sentence fragment is and also what a complete subject and predict is. That should help you.
You can see in the first and second paragraphs how she feels at peace (or rested).
Then take a look at the third paragraph and notice how this feeling is starting to inspire her.
I believe the answer you are looking for here is 'inspired'.