The answer is Its.
Theirs/their pertains to more than one person belonging to items.
It's is a contraction form of "it is".
Tiresias tells him that as he refuses to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the same reason, god will curse people of Thebes. On hearing this, Creon calls him a false prophet and refuse to list to his advice.
In ''The Oedipus Plays'', Tiresias is the blind soothsayer of Thebes. Creon decided that he will listen to Teiresias’s advice as he owes so much to his past advice. Tiresias tells him that as he refuses to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the same reason, god will curse people of Thebes. On hearing this, Creon calls him a false prophet and refuse to list to his advice.
taking instructions from others without complaining
The first one is C, George Washington.
The second question is D, New Colossus.
The third one is A The Star-spangled Banner.