Answer:The grand Palace of Versailles shows how important the king was in France. As the most important person, he was entitled to live in the greatest home. Nobles were also required to live there so the king could keep an eye on them at all times, and so they would be available to him if he desired anything. The palace served as the seat of government, and all decisions came from Versailles.
The term "New Negro" symbolized the resistance of African Americans to submit to situations of racism and submission to which they were previously subjected.
The term "New Nwgro" was coined during the Harlem Renaissance and was linked to the struggle of blacks between racism and account and the limitations to which they were subjected in the country. The term started to be divulged, when the blacks presented a strong resistance to the laws of Jim Crow, that were racist and oppressive, provoking the revolt of the afroamerican population and stimulating the fight for the civil rights.
The term represented a new attitude by blacks, who would not accept the racist situation that was accepted in previous times.
The Justinian Code forms part of the Corpus Juris civilis. Published on April 7, 529, the Justinian Code was drawn up under the Byzantine emperor Justinian by a commission of imperial officials and professors of law schools, chaired by the jurist Tribonien.
It comprises several laws regarding taxes, religion, private relations, crime and legal proceedings, among others. Compared to the previous rules, the Justinian Code is characterized by the fact that the emperor becomes the sole source of law: the emperor alone is invested with the right to impose the rules of law such as injunctions or commandments, this right being withdrawn from the magistrates.
The Declaration of Independence happened in July 4, 1776