The American communist emerged as committed militants within the unemployed movement. And became community leaders in liberal, cultural, and student organizations. They became a major force in several important CIO unions.
One major lasting effects of the mongol empire in Europe and Asia was that it greatly increase trade between the continents, since trade routes were established to bring valuable goods from every corner of the empire.
Based on what I know about the changes and resources that helped the United States' industries to grow I would expect China's resources to increase as the years go by. Chinese industries are discovering new sources of raw materials to use, and Chinese cities are growing quickly. Natural resources are becoming more available.Between 1900 and 2006, total world steel production increased, and steel is becoming more useful as a building resource. Cities are becoming centers of manufacturing. In 2006, the United States produced more steel than it did in 1900, but China was the world's leading steel producer in 2006. In 1900, Europe had more steel-producing countries than other continents, but In 2006, the world's leading steel producers were located in Asia.
The correct choices for devastation caused by the Cultural Revolution:
Ancient cultural artifacts and historical buildings were destroyed.
The education of millions of youth in China was interrupted.
Mao Zedong began the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (its official name) in 1966. A big part of the program was the closing of China's schools, because Mao saw the majority of educators as bourgeois types who were failing to support the communist revolution. The Cultural Revolution was an insistence on loyalty to communist party ideology.
The Red Guard was formed, which was made up of high school and college students (no longer attending school, since schools were shut down). These radicalized students became militants for Mao over against those whom he considered not revolutionary enough. The Red Guard destroyed historical artifacts and writings of the of China's former culture. They also attacked persons who were seen to be resisting Chariman Mao's permanent revolution.
The Little Red Book<em> </em>(as it was called) of <em>Quotations from Chairman Mao </em>was originally published in 1964, prior to the launch of the Cultural Revolution. And the Little Red Book didn't produce devastation. Similarly, posters of Mao plastered everywhere didn't cause devastation. It was the attack on education and antiquities pursued by the Cultural Revolution that devastated China's historical heritage and intellectual depth.
Tiananmen Square
The fall of the Berlin Wall
Anti-Apartheid movement