Minnie A. Hardin wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt to share her bitterness against the government programs who give out financial support to unemployed people.
She thinks that these government programs, instead of helping people get back on their feet to look for work, are enabling people to laze about and wait for government hand-outs without exerting effort to better their lives.
She beliefs that it is very unfair for people like her to work very hard for her living and see those who are able to work but chose not to relying completely on government assistance.
Western Europe.
The colonial era of the United States covers the European colonization from the 16th century until the creation of the colonies. During the late times of the 16th century, many of the European countries began a process of conquering the American continent. Among them, it was France, Spain, Britain, and the Netherlands.
From the countries given all of them except Spain who focused more on Central and South America began to arrive in the United States. European settlers came from different social and religious groups, adventurers, farmers, tradesmen, and aristocracy.
I hope this answer helps you.
The most common form of rule in world history has been monarchy (from the Greek <em>monos</em>, "one," and <em>arche</em>, "power"). It is an unipersonal, hereditary and lifelong form of government. The Head of State is the king (or queen), the prince or the emperor. Although monarchy was at first absolute (the ruler had absolute or total power), it then evolved into a limited form (the ruler needed the help of the most powerful members of society) and finally into a constitutional form (the ruler is primarily a symbolic figure and the nation is governed by a parliament).
At present, the monarchy is the form of government of a few countries around the world, such as Spain, England, Japan and Denmark, to name a few.