The by- laws of the municipalities help in regulating informal trading thus access to these should be prioritized. This is for you to have knowledge on what are your rights and what can the municipalities do about this. The main areas covered by these by- laws are: a. they confirm that you have the right to trade, b. they set the areas or provide for the creation of areas where informal trading can happen, as well as the closing down of these areas, c. trading permits or licenses are granted by them, d. they regulate the conduct of street vendors, e. they set out health and safety measures and requirements and f. they set out penalties if the by- laws are violated.
What evidence suggests that life might have been possible on Mars in the distant past?
Although the surface of Mars is inhospitable today, there is clear evidence that in the distant past, the Martian climate allowed liquid water – an essential ingredient for life as we know it – to pool at the surface.