There are a lot of possible
reasons why Beveridge wanted to hold on to the Philippines as a colony or so to
say impose imperialism over Philippines. Some say, that his primary objective
was to gain economic profit as well as his belief, which was somehow racist,
over the supremacy of the Anglo- Saxon. Another was, he also argued that if US
had the control over Philippines, this would give US businesses the vast opportunities
to trade in the Pacific, especially in China. Beveridge also pushed the idea that Filipinos
are barbarous and cannot govern themselves. Along with these, he justified that
the Americans were the chosen ones by God among all nations of the Anglo- Saxon
to lead in the world’s regeneration.
squash,beans,corn is the three native sisters
is the Italian Italian navigator and explorer John Cabot aka Giovanni Caboto is credited with the discovery of continental
North America on June 24, 1497, under the commission of Henry VII of England.
Though the exact location of his discovery remains disputed, the Canadian and
United Kingdom governments' official position is that he landed on the island
of Newfoundland</span>
True. This is shown by the Soviet Union shipping supplies to cuba.