It is a beneficial mutation.
Explanation: Mutations are permanent changes in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA. Mutations can beneficial, neutral and harmful or deleterious. When change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA a mutation enhances the effectiveness of a protein or improves the protein function, it is said to be beneficial. When a mutation causes the synthesis of a protein which have the same amino acid as the original protein and performs the same function as the original protein, it is said to be silent or neutral. When a mutation results in the synthesis of a protein with an altered amino acid sequence and a nonfunctional protein, it is said to be harmful.
mRNA: mRNA can be described serves intermediate molecule between the genetic material and the amino acids for the making of protein.
rRNA: It makes up the ribosomes along with the ribosomal proteins. Ribosomes are the sites where the process of translation occurs.
tRNA: The tRNA is involved in the bringing of the nucleotides to the ribososmes for translation.
The main function of the alveoli is storage of air for a shorter period which permits absorption of oxygen into the blood. The gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide typically takes place in the alveoli. The main function of the bronchiole is to allow the passage of air freely into the lungs