World War I Germany's unfettered submarine warfare against American ships during World War I provoked the U.S. into abandoning the neutrality it had upheld for so many years. The country's resultant participation in World War I against the Central Powers marked its first major departure from isolationist policy.
The answer is option D.
Majority rule government, in present day utilization, has three detects just for an arrangement of government where the nationals practice control by casting a ballot. In an immediate majority rules system, the subjects all in all shape an overseeing body and vote straightforwardly on each issue. In a delegate majority rule government the residents choose agents from among themselves. Basically, a delegate majority rule government is an arrangement of government in which every qualified national vote on agents to pass laws for them. An ideal model is any nation, where we choose a president and individuals from the Congress. Two of the most well-known types of just government are immediate popular government and agent majority rules system. In an immediate majority rules system, residents are specifically required with making laws, and in a delegate vote based system, nationals choose agents who make laws for their benefit.
During Reconstruction, black people became histortical leaders. They held public office and pursued equality and the right to vote through legislative modifications.
One advantage of this legal strategy was the passing of the 14th and 15th Amendments, which gave them equal protection under the law (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). But, besides this, there still was a large amount of white people who disagreed with equality for their previous slaves.
One disadvantage was the opposers' strategy to destroy this progress, which was the setting of the "Jim Crow" laws in the late 19th century. Blacks were marginalized, they had to use the public services and facilities under different conditions, go to different schools and live in different towns. Marriage between white and black people was illegal and they could not vote due to their inability to pass literacy tests for voters.
Thanks to the previous hard work to end with inequality of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (gave blacks the possibility to get equal employments), Harry Truman (ended discrimination in the military), Rosa Park (protested against segregated seating), Martin Luther King Jr. (led the American Civil Rights Movement), and more people, The Fair Housing Act became law on April 11, 1968, and it prevented all kinds of discrimination.
Black people and activists eventually achieved their equality, but it took a lot of suffering and loss.
Most people thought that serving in the government was the only most honorable way to serve the country is a valid characteristic of politics and government in the period following the Civil War. = C)
Plato and Aristotle are the two most important Greek philosophers. Their work has been the main focus of interest for students of philosophy and specialists.