mid-ocean ridges, Divergent Boundaries
There are three types of plate-plate interactions based upon relative motion: convergent, where plates collide, divergent, where plates separate, and transform motion, where plates simply slide past each other.
They will have to adapt to climate.
A. The population is divided among four major ethnic groups.
D. ethnic and tribal conflict has been central to Afghan history.
Afghanistan is an Asian country with four major tribes which are Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek. When the Pashtun tribe which requires called the Talibans occupied the seat of power they began to oppress other tribes.
They began denying the other ethnic groups basic amenities and also started killing other tribes. This was due to ethnic and tribal conflict being central to Afghan history.
This cruel behavior led to an interference from Human right watch which eventually led to the removal of the Pashtun in power.
Which continent would have the majority of the superimposed boundaries in the world?
The answer is “Africa.”
The amount of water on earth is constant, or nearly so.