; 6. Se acomodan; 7. Dura; 8. Marta está comiendo en el comedor
; 9. Yo estoy hablando con Miguelito
YENDO is the gerund form of the verb GO. There are incorrect ways LLENDO or IENDO that should be avoided. The confusion of saying or writing IENDO instead of YENDO is due to the speaker's need to make the phoneme / i / of the verb IR.
ADUANERO facilitates the import and export of goods, which are subject to customs inspection and restrictions.
Gerund: The gerund in Spanish is a form of no personalizing verbs. Its ending is –ING. It is made adding –ANDO to the root of the verbs that end with –AR and –IENDO for the verbs that end in –ER and –IR.