Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck intentionally started a war with Austria and won.
Outsourcing is good for getting things made cheaper but it is also coming from another country which some people dont agree with especially with the virus.
Use and expand drug courts.
Make use of DNA evidence.
Help ex-offenders find secure living-wage employment.
Monitor public surveillance cameras.
Connect returning prisoners to stable housing.
Answered below
If I were president I would make policies that minimize access to guns and ammunitions by most people. Following the recent incidents of school shootings, workplace shootings, church shootings, community violence and gun fights, it is clearly necessary to implement stricter gun control measures.
I would raise the age of eligibility to legally possess a weapon to 28 years old. Any person wanting to purchase a gun would be made to go through thorough questioning to access their psychological state. Background checks to ascertain the criminal history of potential buyers would be compulsory. Automatic and high calibre weapons would be banned. Open carry would be made illegal. I would make sure the number of weapons owned by one person is reduced to two.
With these steps we would see gun violence and shootings decline significantly. Killing of innocent children in schools, party goers, co-workers etc, by aggrieved people would be events of the past.
The right answer is D.
Although the oldest legends and stories of Chinese people say that the Xia dynasty was the first line of successive rulers, it remains a mythical event in the scientifc study of history. So far, archeologists have not found any acceptable evidence of its existence. But it´s well alive in the folk tales and in the popular imagination of Chinese culture. The first historical dynasty accepted by historians of China is the Shang dinasty (ca. 1600 BCE-ca. 1050 BCE).