There are two forms for the Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish. The -se form is considered the traditional form of the imperfect subjunctive, while the -ra is derived from an old Latin indicative form. Both are almost interchangeable in modern Spanish... So yes.
<em>Answer 2) </em><em>El periódico de ayer mencionó: La Asociación de Médicos insistió en que todos los residentes </em><u><em>se pusieran</em></u><em> la vacuna contra la gripe. </em>
Translation 2: Yesterday's newspaper mentioned: The Medical Association insisted that all residents get a flu shot.
<em>Answer 3)</em><em> Una entrevista con un nutricionista dice: No hay nadie que </em><u><em>haga</em></u><em> sopas más saludables que mi mamá. De ella aprendí lo básico de mi carrera. </em>
Translation 3: An interview with a nutritionist says: There is no one who makes healthier soups than my mom. From her I learned the basics of my career.
<em>Answer 4) </em><em>La locutora de la radio dice: Esperamos que ustedes </em><u><em>se cuiden</em></u><em> para no enfermarse este invierno. </em>
Translation 4: The radio speaker says: We hope you take care of yourselves for not to get sick this winter.
<em>Answer 5)</em><em> En las noticias internacionales dijeron: No había nadie que </em><u><em>hubiera</em></u><em> sobrevivido el huracán en el pueblo de Cuba. </em>
Translation 5: In the international news they said: There was no one who had survived the hurricane in the town of Cuba.
<em>Answer 6) </em><em>Un político en las noticias dijo: Yo pediría que todos nosotros </em><u><em>mejoremos</em></u><em> nuestros hábitos de conservación. </em>
Translation 6: A politician on the news said: I would ask that all of us improve our conservation habits.
The answer is Ana necesita
Hola me llamo Alejandra. Yo tengo dieciseies anos. Mis comidas favoritas son muy saludables. Me encanta comer frutas y verduras. Yo como una ensalada de frutas cada dia para el desayuno. Mi mama hace la ensalada con platanos, fresas, uvas, y un poco de yogur. La ensalada es deliciosa.
A mi hermana (sister) no le gusta la comida saludable. Sus comidas favoritas son hamburguesas, papas fritas y galletas. Ella siempre bebe los refrescos y cafe con mucho azucar. Ella debe beber mas agua.
En el almuerzo, mis amigas comparten comida. Todas mis amigas son muy simpaticas. Mi mejor amiga, Rosalina tiene uvas cada dia. Me encantan las uvas! Despues de la escuela mis amigas y yo corremos en el parque porque nos gusta hacer ejercicio. Me encanta mi vida saludable!
Hope this helps and have a great day! =D
The words that are bolded mean that that is the answer to the blank spaces.
Hello, my name is Alejandra. I'm sixteen years old. My favorite foods are very healthy. I love eating fruits and vegetables. I eat a fruit salad every day for breakfast. My mom makes the salad with bananas, strawberries, grapes, and some yogurt. The salad is delicious.
My sister doesn't like healthy food. Her favorite foods are burgers, fries, and cookies. She always drinks soda and coffee with a lot of sugar. She should drink more water.
At lunch, my friends share food. All my friends are very sympathetic. My best friend, Rosalina has grapes every day. I love grapes! After school, my friends and I run in the park because we like to exercise. I love my healthy life!
1. Do you prefer to live in an apartment, a house or a residence? Do you have lunch at home or in a cafeteria? Do your parents visit your house or apartment a lot? 2. Do you close your bedroom windows at night? Do you sleep well when you are alone at home? 3. Do you have a lot of parties at your house? Where in the house do you prefer to receive your friends? What time do you come home from a party, generally? 4. Do you lose a lot of things in your bedroom? Can you study well in your bedroom? Do you sleep well in your bedroom? What furniture and decorations do you have in your bedroom? Explanation: