Which king? I need more info so I can explain
Adding a health tax for smokers will raise the cost of smoking and therefore cause many smokers to give up smoking and reduce secondhand smoke.
You can buy some sugar here.
One of the main characteristics of a memoir is first-person narration, because a memoir is usually written by a person who has actually experienced all of those memories. A memoir is a French word meaning memory, so this is a text based on someone's memories. Also, a memoir is a blend of actual facts, things that the author has experienced throughout his or her life, and imagination used to create a mixture between a fictional and non-fictional work of art.
It's not important to see a photo of Orson Wells. And who cares about the population of the United States. It has nothing to do with the topic. And same with a movie clip about aliens. So that leaves us with A. An audio clip of the actual radio broadcast.