The economic structure of society is based upon division of labour in which the professions and economic activities of people are different or dissimilar. The culture of society prospers with the differences in thoughts ideals, viewpoints, etc. No two individuals are alike in their nature.
Citizens cannot make most economic decisions. Citizens can only work in factories or on farms. ... The government allows citizens to own private businesses.
There are several reasons why so few violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act were brought to court, but a major reason was that ironically the courts were often corrupted, making it impossible to for them to want to hear about a corruption case.
because prior to the civil the war the south really relied on the north for their products
basically to sum it up they didn't deem it necessary to take pictures of everything
The Precambrian eon is separated from the Phanerozoic eon in the fossil record because of poorer record of fossils than that of the succeeding Phanerozoic eon.This is because many Precambrian rocks have been heavily metamorphosed,obscuring their origins,while others have been destroyed by erosion,or remain deeply buried beneath Phanerozoic strata.The Phanerozoic Eon covers 541 years to the present while Precambrian Eon covers 4.6 billion years.