Assuming this is 0 based array indexing, it would look like this...
[ 5, 6, 10, 7, 3, 2.5 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
The index of 7 would be 3.
An effective way of protecting programs against classic stack overflow attacks is to instrument the function entry and exit code to setup and then check its sack frame for any evidence of corruption.
Directory Services
It is a type of software that is used to unify and customize the resources available at the network.
This software is used to gather the information and addresses of all computers connected on the network.
It is a type of information store, where all the information related to resources (computer) and services of network has been stored. It also gives administrator rights to the single point to manage whole network resources.
This is the reason, Option "D" is the best choice for me as sole IT employ in a company. I will prefer directory services software to gather the information of all computers of organization and manage users in company.
Data manipulation languages are used for the retrieval of the,insertion,deletion and modification of data.
Data Manipulation Languages(DML) are used to insert,delete,update,modify the data in the database.
The commands used to do these operations are as following:-
INSERT INTO :-This command is used to insert values in the database.
DELETE:-It is used to delete existing records from the table.
UPDATE:- It is used to modify the records in the table.
SELECT:- It is used to select data from database.