DNA and RNA both produce proteins, but RNA copies itself and moves out of the nucleus while DNA stays inside the nucleus and produces proteins. Also DNA helps more in cell division, while RNA helps in making proteins.
I don't know exactly what the growth of lichens symbolizes in general, but I found the information about what does it mean for California state:
In 2016, according to The Mercury News (mercurynews dot com), Lace Lichen
becomes state symbol of California. The president of the California Lichen Society, Shelly Benson, said: " Lichens are widely overlooked. Our main mission was really to create more awarness about lichens and their role in the ecosystem."
As Lichen, widespread and may be long-lived, was chosen for a state symbol, its growth may symbolize the increase of state strength.
Conscientiousness is a human trait that internalizes.
The benefits are the reproduction of organisms