Since Gatsy first met Daisy, five years have passed because he has been away at war and then involved in business to make the money he believes he needs to win Daisy's love. Not until he is rich does he arrive at West Egg. In the meantime Daisy has married Tom Buchanan and had a daughter, Pammie. Gatsby also threw huge parties hoping that Daisy would one day stumble across the party. He even bought a house across from hers.
1. A sports team could very well benefit from emotional contagion because even if a team member says they´re mentally and emotionally alright, the other members can tell if it´s true or not.
2. If I was a photographer, and I could pick one fleeting moment, I would want to catch a moment of an animal further away, jumping in the air. Or an animal Yawning.
3. As far as positive influences go, I would say my brother. He´s been there with me since day one, always by my side, helping me.
4. I personally feel that, no, circumstantial friendships are not important in one's life. It can leave negative impacts on you, and how much you trust others, which can develop into trust issues.
5. I do think that schools should develop mentorship from older students to younger students. It may be easier to speak to a teenager, not much older then you, rather then an adult you feel like is gonna tell you parents everything you say.
6. I think these vocabulary terms will apply to the following text because these vocabulary terms will most likely be somewhat involved in the text.
i think the first one may be " she's forgetting that Allah is merciful and that things could get better if she were to pray "