1) Yo saco mi perro a caminar
2) Usted se puede sentar
3) Mi amigo y yo vamos a jugar
4) Voy a mi cama a descansar
This would be something equivalent to the Town Square or The Main market, and in Spanish this would be called "Plaza".
So for example, this place in Mexico City is called Plaza de la Constitución (although it's known as Zocalo to most)
The word 'shy' in Spanish is 'reservado' for a boy and 'reservada' for a girl. However, 'reservado' mean reserved, which is a synonym of shy. :)
What is adam in spanish men
Answer: False
Explanation: Adios is the correct way to say Good bye. Hasta Luego means "until then" or "see you soon". See you soon is not the same as Good bye