It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
The story of Pride and Prejudice revolves around the life style of English people during the period of Georgian era. The story mainly focuses on the love and life and also the humorous part life how it will help the living environment so conducive.
The author of the story, June Austen as set the main theme of the story in the first two paragraphs of the story that is about the marriage. The author clearly states that it is a humorous paragraph filled with hatred sarcasm. Jane Austen says that a single man who has amazed wealth must be in want of a wife which is accepted universally.
They were different, because in Thinker's case it was ruled in the favor of the students. They had the freedom to publish whatever they wanted, as long as it was not disruptive . In Hazelwood's case it was ruled in favor of the school, because the educators had a power to decide what could be published in student's newspaper.
Theory by Darwin.
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller remembered as the rich men who owned larger companies. Both supported the theory of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is a theory related to the survival of the fittest in society. The theory given by Charles Darwin, which points to evolution. Wealth is in the hands of a few people due to economic struggle. Money ends up remaining in the hands of those who grow their wealth by using their skill and strength.
B. i think... yea it should be.