Gas, Diesel, and Oil. (any liquid fuels)
Answer:sibling rivalry
What is sibling rivalry?
This is an animosity and fighting between sibling that occurs due to the arrival or birth of a new child in a family .
The first child or older child may feel a bit of jelousy for this new born child and this start as soon as the child is born.
The older child may feel like their parents like this child more than they love him or her because of this they may act spiteful towards their sibling .
To them this may feel like the only way to take out these frustrations by being mean to their siblings.
Most of the times they do this because of their level of maturity hasn't real reached that stage where they can understand that the love of their parents can be split equally hence they don't do this because they sincerely hate their siblings; which may be the reason why Ethan regretted at the end.
The correct answer is a. commitment.
According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, commitment can be understood as the component of love that refers to the conscious decision that a person makes to stay involved with his/her significant other. It is a voluntary decision of remaining in lovedue to the levels of satisfaction that the relationship poses to the individual.
Commitment is seen when the couple is distanced due to several circumstances and it is the factor that has to be present in said situations for love to keep existing.
In this particular case, philip is in the military and often away fo months at a time. In those times of isolation, using terms from sternberg's triarchic theory of love, Philip and his wife are relying on Commitment to keep them together.
Answer: c. United States government . . . citizens
The State of the Union address is a message given by the President to Congress every year, except during the first year of a new term. Although the address is technically directed towards Congress, in modern times and through the use of technology, the address is broadcast live accross the country. Therefore, it serves as a way to give a message to the American people as well. The message addresses economic concerns, national priorities and proposes a legislative agenda.