1. Die Schüler aus Cham hatten die Idee zum Projekt.
Grammatically correct. Translates to ``The students from Cham had the idea for the project.``
Sie wollten draußen This is an incomplete sentence. It translates to ``They wanted outside...``
2. Die deutschen Schüler haben den Kontakt mit der tschechischen Klasse
It´s correct, but it´s missing a word at the end. Right now it translates to ``the german students have the contact with the Czech class.
I would write it as ``Die deutschen Schüler haben den Kontakt mit der tschechischen Klasse angefangen. Means that they started the contact.
3. This one is correct. Translates to ``the czech students liked the idea.``
4. This one is correct. Translates to ``The czech students asked their parents how it used to be.
5. This one is correct. Translates to ``the students from Pilsen looked for information on the internet.
6. This one is correct. Translates to ``The teachers wanted to turn the project into an exhibiton.
It´s my mother language :)