The math suggests that for every parsec the rate of moving away is 71 km/s, so when two galaxies are separated by two parsecs we come to 142 km/s speed of moving away from each other. If we take the first light ever (from what is known so far) the cosmic microwave radiation, is 46 billion light-years away from us at all directions, which comes at 4,200 megaparsecs, which comes at 13.7 billion light-years, so it will come to 29,820,000 km/s. It all depends from the distance between the galaxies which is calculated by their type of colour and movement in comparison to other galaxies.
Australia is an island country, and besides the big main island and Tasmania, it has 12,000 islands plus in its territory. Since it doesn't have any land borders, its borderline is actually the sum of all coastlines of all islands in its territory, and that accounts for 70,000 km.
New South Wales is the biggest state in the country, and it occupies 10% of its total land mass. Its border is 4,635 km, which means that it accounts for 6.62% of the total borderline of Australia.
The answer is C I hope it help