subsistence agriculture, is a mode of agriculture in which a plot of land produces only enough food to feed the family or small community working it. All produce grown is intended for consumption purposes as opposed to market sale or trade. Historically and currently a difficult way of life, subsistence farming is considered by many a backward lifestyle that should be transformed into industrialized communities and commercial farming throughout the world in order to overcome problems of poverty and famine. The numerous obstacles that have prevented this to date suggest that a complex array of factors, not only technological but also economic, political, educational, and social, are involved. An alternative perspective, primarily from the feminist voice, maintains that the subsistence lifestyle holds the key to sustainability as human relationships and harmony with the environment have priority over material measures of wealth. Although the poverty suffered by many of those who have never developed beyond subsistence levels of production in farming is something that needs to be overcome, it does appear that the ideas inherent in much of subsistence farming—cooperation, local, ecologically appropriate—are positive attributes that must be preserved in our efforts to improve the lives of all people throughout the world.
Official temperatures are measured using thermometer placed in shelters that are louvered and white; placed a few feet above the ground; and placed in the shade
Devices that measure temperature or a temperature gradient are known as thermometers (the degree of hotness or coldness of an object). Two crucial components make up a thermometer: (1) a temperature sensor that changes in response to changes in temperature, such as the bulb of a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the pyrometric sensor in an infrared thermometer; and (2) a way to translate this change into a numerical value (e.g. the visible scale that is marked on a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the digital readout on an infrared model). In technology and industry, as well as in meteorology, health, and scientific study, thermometers are frequently used to monitor processes.
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The correct answer is: b. intermediate- to low-mass stars (between 0.8x to 8x the mass of our Sun).
Once the hydrogen in the nucleus is finished, the hydrostatic equilibrium is broken, and gravity is able to overcome radiation. This causes the star's core to contract, thus increasing its internal temperature and density. Meanwhile, due to convection, the outer layers expand, so the external temperature decreases. The star increases its external size becoming what we know as the Red Giant.
By increasing the temperature in the core, the necessary conditions are given to begin to fuse Helium and convert it into Carbon. So the core is getting denser and the outer layers of the star expand even more.
The end of our star is marked by the moment when the helium in the nucleus ends. In addition, the outer layers are so far apart that they no longer exert sufficient pressure to compress the core and trigger carbon fusion. In parallel, the star is so large that the outer layers of the star escape the gravity of the star, pushed by radiation. In this way, the interstellar medium of helium, carbon and a little oxygen is enriched. Leaving behind a White Dwarf, the nucleus of the star in which Helium has become Carbon.