mechanical weathering
As a definition, mechanical weathering is the disintegration and decomposition of rocks on or on the earth's surface produced by different atmospheric, climatic and biological agents.
Weathering is a permanent process in nature.
It is also defined as a static process by which the rock breaks into small fragments, dissolving and decomposing to form new minerals. This is the way in which the removal and transport of detritus then results in erosion. It follows that weathering, by reducing the consistency of the stone masses leads to the erosion process.
The causative agents of the weathering of the stones, (external geological agents) can be physical (mechanical), chemical and biological.
Devido à sua grande extensão, de norte a sul do globo e as formas de relevo com grandes altitudes, como a Cordilheira dos Andes e os Montes Apalaches, por exemplo.
It brings its characteristics to the region. This may change the areas temperature and humidity.
Confucianism calls for better-trained and more able managers to focus on orderly conduct and proper relations in all social contexts, while Daoism disdains this system, preferring a return to local, village-based communities with little government interference.
Answer: C) or the third option.
The answer is Option A.
People revolted against the ruler's cruel ways and overthrew the Qin government.