Total personal revenue is the disposable income less personal taxes. Employee earnings minus employee actual taxes in terms of national reports reflect net established income.
The household saving rate is specified as total saving divided by disposable income.
Household saving = Disposable income * Households saving rate
$40,000*1.9% = $760
United States :
$40,000*4% = $1,600
France :
$40,000*15.8% = $6,320
Hawaiian volcanoes- Hualalai, Mauna Loa and Maune Kea.
Carbon dioxide raises global temperature by trapping heat that would otherwise escape directly into space. Also, warming temperatures in the Arctic may release even more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane, by melting frozen soil called permafrost. For example, melting glaciers and icebergs in the poles claim increasing heat.