Tilapia,Nileperch, Lungfish
The Vietnamese felt like the French just gave them over without a battle. Vietnam was a French province until “the French imperialists went down on their bended knees and handed over our country to them,” them meaning the Japanese. Even after the Vietminh League encouraged the French to get arms together with them to fend off the Japanese. The Vietminh League even encouraged a portion of the Frenchmen by saving them from Japanese prisons and ensured them and their property. Even after this, the Vietnamese felt double-crossed by the manner in which they just gave the nation over.
It made city-states ununited, since they formed independently from each other. City-States were constantly fighting and going to war with each other.
Since city-states had distance between them, they adopted different lifestyles from one another; their economies depended on different recourses because their terrain was different from one another (ex: states by the coast would often fish as a main source of income and food). The mountanous terrain of Greece only separated city-states further and encouraged the independent growth of city-states. This meant Greece was ununited and city-states would constantly go to war with each other.
Answer: The Wagner Act, or the National Labor Relations Act, was a New Deal reform passed by President Franklin Roosevelt on July 5, 1935. It was instrumental in preventing employers from interfering with workers' unions and protests in the private sector.
B) They had a complex civilization that was destroyed by the Spanish conquerors.
By the time of the Spanish invasion, the Aztecs had devloped a strong civilizations, they had a system of trade & commerce and were quite wealthy. They also had a primitive form of "police" and a banking system.