The answer will be multiple-part.
"Your courage to the sticking place" is a well-known statement - from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The idiom screw... to the sticking place - if you do some research - is defined as "being firm and resolute in... (in this case, courage)." This echoes Shakespeare's ambitious nature - as is shown in a poetic style.
The rest of this paragraph reflects that aspect of him as well. Such words as:
Though seemingly just part of the nature of poetry, these words may spark images in your mind that typical, everyday words otherwise don't.
I hope you can gather a lot of info from all of that! Tell me if you need any further assistance...
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I hope this helps!
- Kana
I would go with A.
B is just talking about a lollipop
C is talking about the cons of cotton candy and how its bad
D is talking about the cotton candy machine but that was never brought up or had anything to do with the passage
Hope this helped!