First sentence: el perro es bastante pequeño
Translation: the dog is pretty small or the dog is quite small
Second sentence: Sandra pasa la aspiradora al lado de la lámpara
Translation: Sandra vacuums next to the lamp
The conjugation of the verb Ser are: Yo > soy. Tu eres. El/Ella/Usted > es. Nosotros/Nosotras > Somos. Vosotros/Vosotras > Sois. Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes > Son.
“Yo soy” means: I am.
Since the conjugation for yo is only for that subject pronoun, we could omit the subject pronoun and simply say “soy” to say I am.
Tú eres means: You are.
In this case, you can also omit the subject pronoun and simply say “eres” to say you are.
Since él/ella/Ud. share the same conjugation, and it is essential to use the subject pronoun to make sure we know who we are all talking about. Once the subject is established, you don’t have to continue using the subject pronoun.
Nosotros somos means: We are. Remember that nosotros includes you, and it is about a group you are part of in which is mixed or ALL males.
Nosotras somos means: We are. Remember that nosotras includes you, and it is about a group you are part of in which ALL are females.
The conjugation for nosotros(as) DOES NOT change in gender. Verbs do not change.
Vosotros sois means: You (plural in Spain) are. Vosotros and vosotras are used when talking TO a group of people. Do remember that we have to think about gender here.
Vosotras sois means: You (plural in Spain) are. Vosotras is used when talking TO a group of ONLY females.
Since ellos/ellas/Uds. share the same conjugation, and it is vital to use the subject pronoun to make sure we know who we are all talking about. Once the subject is established, you don’t have to continue using the subject pronoun.
Ellos son means: They are. Remember that Ellos is used to talk ABOUT a group of males OR a mixed group of males and females (regardless of the ratio).
Ellas son means: They are. Remember that Ellas is used to talk ABOUT a group of females ONLY.
For the first sentence, we will use:
Subject: el perro
Verb: ser
Ending: bastante pequeño
First in order to write the sentence, we must conjugate the verb "ser"
Since we know it's using the subject "el perro", we can guess that the conjugated form of "ser", we need is "es"
So the conjugated verb of "ser" is "es"
Now we put that in the sentence
First sentence: el perro es bastante pequeño
For the second sentence, lets use:
Subject: Sandra
Verb: pasar la aspiradora
Ending: al lado de la lampara
Yo → paso
Tu → pasas
El/Ella → pasa
Nosotros → pasamos
Vosotros → pasáis
Ellos/Ellas → pasan
And since Sandra is a girl, we think of her as the subject "ella", which means we use "pasa" in the conjugation of "pasar".
The conjugation of the verb "pasar", is "pasa"
Now we put that in the sentence
Second sentence: Sandra pasa la aspiradora al lado de la lámpara