Translation: “I want to get up early tomorrow to make the most out of the day”. You find yourself using aprovechar in your conversation again later on in the trip. After a few days hanging out by the pool, you find yourself striking up a little romance with someone in the same hotel complex.
A) Nuevo Mundo
I'm not sure but I think is that one because it says "El Barroco del Nuevo Mundo es..."
do u have the audio or the text
Estábamos sirviendo would be the answer for the nosotros form in the imperfect progressive. For future reference, you should check out the Spanish Dict online, it has all of the verbs in every form and tense :)
Hola! Cuando era pequeña me gustaba leer Cenicienta. Me encantaba escuchar canciones de Nortena. Siempre jugaba tag con mis primas y amigas. Una tradición que tenía era ir a la misma iglesia a recibir nuestra primera comunión.
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