Anything bigger than 5 you round up, anything lower than 5 you round down. the number you determine this by is the number behind the decimal. using your number 25.691 which means you would round up the 6 and have the number 26.000 as the final answer. if it was for say 25.400 your number would end up being 24.000.
Harriet Powers (October 29, 1837 – January 1, 1910) was an African-American slave, folk artist, and quilt maker from rural Georgia. She used traditional appliqué techniques to record local legends, Bible stories, and astronomical events on her quilts.
Soliloquy. Because the definition is quite literally <span>an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play.</span>
When all of the animals are scared of the pigs and the pigs walk around with black sun glasses on lol.