I could smell the cinnamon all the way up the stairs.
It called my name, begging me to wander to the source of the wonderful scent.
"run, run, as fast as you can. you'll never catch me I'm the gingerbread man"
As I reached the kitchen I saw the cookies on the pan.
The figurative language used in the stanza is: alliteration.
Alliteration is a literary device that repeats consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close to each other in a structure. A simple example would be a well-known tongue twister: She sells seashells by the seashore (the /s/ sound is repeated).
In the stanza we are analyzing here, alliteration takes place when the author repeats the sound represented by the letter "h":
<em>In the silence </em><em>h</em><em>e </em><em>h</em><em>as </em><em>h</em><em>eard</em>
We have three words in a row beginning with the same consonant sound. Thus, we have an alliteration.
The stanza is an excerpt from the poem "The D.um.b Soldier," by Robert Louis Stevenson.
It's subjunctive, I've looked up the meaning of each word.
Five positives:
Learn to spell
Get further in life when you have that diploma
learn somethings that you will use later in life
Helps you know where you want to be like job wise.
Shows you responsibility by you having to go to school and do good to graduate
Five Negatives:
You don't just need a high school diploma to have a great paying job.
Not everything you learn can help you out in the real world
No more craft shops
To much going on with kids today in and out of schools making it harder for them to finish.
You miss out on actives in school because of trying to finish with high school.