If I were to settle in a decentralized state, then the power wouldn't be consolidated in a single entity. This means I am less likely to have to pay a "Royal Tax" and if I'm lucky since I can read and write and have a modern education I could become a page in the local nobleman's court or perhaps join a monastery and work there. It would be a simple life but I doubt it would bring any unwanted attention which would be bad since I could be a "Witch" or "Devil" or something and be burned at the stake.
Due to lost of their property.
The Indian removal act has a negative economic impact on the American Indian tribes that were relocated to Oklahoma because they lost all their property that was present at their original place. They have to start their lives from the beginning and lives according to the available resources of that Oklahoma location. They were not paid for their property by the American government which leads to bad economic condition.
Supporters of the bombings generally believe that they prevented an invasion of the Japanese mainland, saving more lives than they took by doing so. Opponents contend, among other arguments, that the bombings were unnecessary to win the war or that they constituted a war crime or genocide.
They were made of mud brick.
Note that it is asking for the change between <em>1921 </em> and <em>1926</em>.
Look at the graph, and choose the term that fits the graph as a description.
C. Immigration from Southern Europe showed the steepest decline between both years.
Percentage wise, a drop from ~300,000 to < 25,000 is a large drop, even more than all the others.