Ximena y Alicia conocen a mi hermano mayor, José.
"Ximena y Alicia conocen a mi hermano mayor, José" is the sentence that is grammatically correct because the correct verb to use is "conocer" (not "saber") and "conocen" is the correct conjugation, which is the third person plural form of the present tense (ellas, Ximena and Alicia).
1. Ella comenzó el examen después de que se le indicara que lo hiciera.
2. Yo sé contar hasta mil en español.
3. El no puede dormir bien esta noche de fiesta.
4. Tu puedes gobernar una nación enterasi tienes el poder.
5. Nosotros queremos ayudarte a mejorar.
The rich people can donate more money and there will be fund raising programs so that the rich people contribute and support more in the sports, arts, languages and drama department.
''The rich people can donate more money and there will be fund raising programs so that the rich people contribute and support more in the sports, arts, languages and drama department.'' Fund raising programs motivates the rich people to contribute more money for a school department so more funds are present for the sports, arts, languages, or drama department. These funds are used in these departments in which students can participate and better their skills.
no tengo ni idea de lo que estas hablando pero ok nvasiones de el cuxl0 que sale por tu boca