The girl's eyes go with negros
The lady's hair go with negro
The dog's nose go with negra
The black hands go with negras
In Spanish, adjectives must agree with the noun (or pronoun) they describe in gender and in number. This means that if the noun an adjective describes is feminine, the adjective must be feminine, and if that same noun is also plural, the adjective will be feminine AND plural as well.
For the first one, the Spanish word for eyes is el ojo(s). The "el" in front of the ojos indicates that it is masculine, and since there are 2 eyes, you would have the word end in "os".
For the second one, the Spanish word for hair is el pelo. The "el" in front of the pelo indicates that it is masculine, and since hair is singular in this case, you would have the word end in "o".
For the third one, the Spanish word for nose is la nariz. The "la" in front of the nariz indicates that the word is feminine, and since there is only one nose, it is singular and you would have the word end in "a".
For the fourth one, the Spanish word for hands is la(s) mano(s).The "la" in front of the manos indicates that the word is feminine, and since there are two hands, it is plural and you would have the word end in "as".