"John (“Jack”) Reed wasn’t looking backward to the French Revolution or even the Paris Commune when he chronicled the seizure of power of the Russian Revolution of 1917. As a 30-year-old independent radical journalist, he was looking at it with fresh eyes. What he saw was not just the overthrow of a repressive monarchist oligarchy and its attendant bourgeois class, but a vast democratic, majoritarian movement based on “soviets,” or councils, made up of workers, soldiers, and peasants. Although he had been embedded in Pancho Villa’s rebel army in Mexico and covered Industrial Workers of the World strikes in New Jersey and miners’ struggles in Colorado, it was witnessing the cataclysmic events in Russia that confirmed him as a revolutionary."-Ten Days That Shook the World by John Reed
The effects of Bacon's Rebellion were that Governor Berkeley returned to power, seizing the property of several rebels and hanging over 20 men. Berkeley soon was relieved of the governorship though, and sent back to England. Indentured servants both black and white had joined the frontier rebellion
His contribution to the Protestant reformation
A. African Americans gained the right to own property
I myself am part German, but was born in the United States. Some German traditions include things like Schultüte. Schultüte is when parents give there children small plastic bags on the first day of school. The bag is filled with small things like candy, clothing, and small toys. Doing this boosts confidence in the students.
But here in the United States, most kids get school supplies and pictures taken on their way to school.
Fireworks on New Years Eve is another German tradition. Yes, People all over the world light fireworks on December 31st, but German do it differently. From people as young as 5 years old learn how to set of a man made light to the night sky. Also in Germany, people will set of fireworks at any time during the day, but more during the evening hours.
Fireworks in America tend to mainly be set off during the 4th of July or New Years Eve and day.