The author creates suspense by building up to the scene. By including details about Mattie's movements and breathing it ups the levels of suspense. The author also drew the scene out super long, simply to add a huge level of pure suspense.
I just read this book! Hope you like it!
Semantic vs. Episodic Memory
Semantic memory is an organized record of knowledge, meanings, facts and concepts about the world. Semantic is about simple knowledge, which includes types of dress, food, social etiquette, etc.
Episodic memory is about our memory of a person's experiences of specific events or incidents in time in a serial form. This memory is autobiographical in nature and includes places, times, and emotions.
In this case, remembering birth day is semantic memory while what actually happened on the last birth day is episodic memory.
Since I don't know the context your putting the word in I'll give you all of the meanings
1: the state or fact of being completely destroyed or obliterated.
2: the act of annihilating something or the state of being annihilated
Have a good day! <3
commas, dashes, or parentheses
Nonessential appositive phrases can be separated from the rest of a sentence in three ways—with commas, with dashes, or with parentheses. Let’s look at example sentences that essentially mean the same thing:
The best pet in the world, a dog, will always be known as “man’s best friend.”
The best pet in the world—a dog—will always be known as “man’s best friend.”
The best pet in the world (a dog) will always be known as “man’s best friend.”
Question 1:
When I was younger, about six years old, I would play hide-and-seek in the forest near my house with my three siblings. It was becoming dark, and I was hidden under a fallen log. I was always the best at hiding and they always found me last, but on that night, I was wishing that wasn't the case. At some point, the light was almost completely gone, with only the light from the moon helping me see. I started to panic, but didn't want to give myself away and lose, so I stayed there, waiting. I started to hear russling in the bushes around me, and gave up on hiding. I crawled out and started climbing a tree as a new hiding spot that was away from whatever had been in the bushes. I looked down and saw wild animals slowly moving back and forth along the ground at the base of the tree and stifled a scream. I stayed there, un-moving, for half an hour before I heard something walking towards me. I was shaking, trying to stay silent while the creature stomped around my tree. I could picture a cougar or a mountain lion ready to pounce, stalking me. Suddenly I saw something stumble into the small clearing near me and screamed, nearly falling to the ground. My older brother grabbed me and laughed, "I guess I found you then." he said with a laugh. I grinned, trying to stop myself from shaking. I was okay, it was just my brother. From then on, I refused to play when the sun started to set.
Question 2:
I used imagery to show what I saw, and not what was truly there. I wrote as though it was a description of what was there, instead of just stating obvious things. For example, instead of saying the baby trees and shrubs swaying in the wind, I called them wild animals, becasue that is what I saw them as in the dark.