Malcolm X = independent black communities
Dr martin Luther king economic equality
Cocetta Scott king king center
stokely carmicheal Black Power Movement
ENGLISH:As a result, for the most part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures. They provided an outlet for England's surplus population and (in some cases) more religious freedom than England did, but their primary purpose was to make money for their sponsors.
Como resultado, en su mayor parte, las colonias inglesas en América del Norte eran empresas comerciales. Proporcionaron una salida para el excedente de población de Inglaterra y (en algunos casos) más libertad religiosa que Inglaterra, pero su propósito principal era hacer dinero para sus patrocinadores.
Sacrifices that I would be willing to make are giving up my family, my bed, my home, and my life so that I could go and fight for freedom
I would give up everything.
Child of Israel
I woke up this morning and there is excitement in the air for I could overhear the man speaking that today the walls would come down.26
I’m standing near Joshua and I hear him say take up the ark and have the priest carry seven trumpets before it. Joshua is now telling the people go! March around the enclosure. 59
We all begin marching. We marched around the city once and then twice and then three times,four, five and six more times but on the seventh something exciting was supposed to happen! On that seventh time around Joshua said to the people shout and we shouted !106
The noise was deafening from the people and the trumpets but when we shouted and the trumpets made their noise the walls of Jericho started to shake and then they fell. 138