b. division between those who own and operate the means of production and those who sell their labor in capitalist societies.
Karl Marx advocates in his book "Das Kapital" (The Capital) that the labors sell the only thing they have, in this case, their strength. This happened, according to Marx, that during the capitalist development, some individuals gain economic power and then began to possess the production means, obligating the ones who didn't have the same to sell the strength in exchange for a sum of money.
Paleolithic humans originated in one continent and then spread to many parts of the world
Answer: he responds by imitating the characters and putting his fingers by the side of his eyes to make them appear slanted like the characters
This is opinionated...
The world solely dense on fossil fuels. In 2011 fossil fuels accounted for approximate 82 percent of the worlds primary energy use. The use of fossil fuels is expected to be on a decline by 2040 but that doesn’t mean we can keep the environment safe while trading. We need fossil fuels to help deliver good and/or services around the world to build bonds with other countries. So no, we cannot protect the earths environment while expanding trade around the world.