B is your answer meteoroids are small space rocks they are usually pieces of asteroids or comets
Write out your birthday in the following format: M/DD/YY. For example, if your birthday is on June 11, 2013, it would be written as 6/11/13.
2. Convert the birthday date to binary format. Using our same example from above, 6/11/13 translated into binary code would be: 110/1011/1101.
3. Select one color of bead to represent “0”, a second color to represent “1” and then the third color to represent a space (/) between the numbers.
4. Layout the beads to represent your birthdate in binary code. Don’t forget the third color for the spaces in between the numbers!
5. Once laid out, string all the beads on to the string or pipe cleaner.
6. Tie a knot around the ends and enjoy your one-of-a kind masterpiece as a piece of jewelry or a bag tag….the options are endless!
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
This program is written in C++.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string word;// variable for taking user input
int cond;// to set condition true if user preses the stop and exit from loop
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
do// start while loop
if(word=="stop" || word =="STOP" || word == "Stop")// if user enter word stop, then program exit
else//otherwise loop continue
cout<<" You Entered "+ word +"\n";
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
while(cond == 1);// if user don't enter word "stop" loop run continuesly.
cout<<"Program exit";
return 0;
<span>A. Mechanical i think sorry if im wrong</span>
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